The Three Best Pre-Teen Workouts Available at Kids N’ Shape

Pre-teens can benefit from regular exercise in the form of cardiovascular activity and strength training. Kids N’ Shape offers the best pre-teen workouts for your active little one. We all know that exercise of any kind is better than sitting on the couch playing video games, but certain types of exercise are better than others for preparing your pre-teen for the joys of adolescence and adulthood. The right types of exercise can also help with moodiness and give your pre-teen an overall better sense of well-being and heightened self-esteem. The CDC recommends that pre-teens get at least 60 minutes of moderate activity a day, which is higher than the recommendation for adults. Here are some ways you can help your pre-teen get in shape. Bring them to Kids N’ Shape to make sure they have fun doing it.

Best Pre-teens Workouts Build Strength

Cardiovascular exercises

Cardio is what raises your heart rate and gets all of your muscles moving. As adults, we dread cardio like logging miles on the treadmill or using a stair-stepper. Keep cardio fun for kids and pre-teens by getting them engaged in sports and activities. Bouncing in a bounce house or on a trampoline definitely counts as cardio. So does playing basketball, racing a friend through an obstacle course, and kicking around a soccer ball, all of which your pre-teen can do at Kids N’ Shape. When kids have fun doing cardio, they stay healthy and get fit without even realizing it.

Strength exercises

Strength training doesn’t have to mean lifting heavy dumbells or barbells. Your child can get strength and resistance training by performing bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and pushups. If they’re involved in organized sports, their coach might already be having them do these types of exercises.

A formalized weight training program isn’t necessary at this age unless your pediatrician has specifically recommended it for your child. For everyone else, though, focusing on getting your kids to have fun while staying active is the most important thing you can do to help them develop their muscle groups and build some strength.

As long as your child is actively engaged in activities that work their entire body, they’ll be getting enough strength training. Activities like rope climbing, monkey bars, rock climbing, and even hanging on a zip line can all help your child develop strength in essential muscle groups.

Balance and agility exercises

Keeping balanced is an essential part of well-being and one that is often overlooked for both kids and adults. Focusing on balance can help your child’s stabilizing muscle groups and help them improve posture. Being able to develop better balance will help your child in all of their athletic pursuits as they move through adolescence and adulthood.

Like cardio and strength exercises, balance and agility exercises shouldn’t feel like a burden or a bore at this stage in your child’s life. Getting through and over obstacles, climbing up ropes or rocks, or just playing around on a mat attempting cartwheels can all be fun ways for your child to improve their balance and agility without feeling like they’re doing “work.”

The Best Pre-Teen Workouts

The best thing you can do for your pre-teen’s health is to get them active in fun and social ways. When kids are playing with their friends, they don’t think about how many calories they’re burning or whether they’re building muscle mass. They’re thinking about how much fun they’re having and how much they enjoy playing with their friends. Bringing them to a place like Kids N’ Shape is the best thing you can do to keep your pre-teen healthy and active. Our physical education sessions can teach your pre-teen about the importance of staying active for their fitness while providing fun and safe ways for them to exercise. To learn more about best pre-teen workouts, contact Kids N’ Shape today.

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