3 Ways Childrens Fitness Play Improves Classroom Performance

It may seem like a bummer to school-age children, but summer is coming to an end. When that fall feeling comes along the school year follows close behind. Teachers are refreshing lesson plans and stocking up on markers, glue sticks and boxes of tissues while students squeeze the last few days of play from the summer months. In our health conscious world, we are always looking for ways to positively reinforce physical activity for our children, and we expect our schools to share that value. Here are three ways that childrens fitness play at Kids ‘N Shape can shake up a sedentary classroom.

Childrens Fitness Play Improves Classroom Performance

Childrens Fitness Play Makes the Brain Stronger

Just like exercises in reading or math, it is important students get moving throughout the day to exercise their brains! According to JAMA Pediatrics, regular physical activity powers kids minds by increasing blood flow to the brain that supports synaptic growth and increases the production of nerve protecting compounds. Kids ‘N Shape knows healthy bodies and healthy minds ensure your child’s academic performance is at its best.

All Work and No Play Makes for a Grumpy Kid

In addition to improving brain function, research suggests that regular physical activity helps regulate your little one’s mood. Exercise increases levels of endorphins that keep kids positive, focused and stress-free. As we know, a good attitude is essential when it comes to learning.

Childrens Fitness Play Improves Social Skills

When kids play together, they learn valuable social skills like sharing, teamwork and communication. Strong peer connections help keep students excited about school and learning while building confidence. In fact, growing children that participate in regular physical activity show increased leadership and empathy skills which helps them make lifelong health-positive choices.

While teachers are focusing on learning objectives and children’s academic performance, they should not forget to incorporate regular physical activity into their plans. Kids ‘N Shape offers class trips so that students may enjoy the facility and the benefits of physical activity all to themselves. To learn more about our school programming, contact Kids ‘N Shape.

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